Trust in law is trust in the immutable laws of nature and laws of life. They constitute a guarantee of absolute justice in consciousness development, a guarantee against any kind of divine arbitrariness, if some such ever would be conceivable.
Anyone who works for consciousness development – for that of other people and thereby for his own – must, according to the law of development, develop, even if there are no ascertainable results. There is much going on and being prepared under the cover of the unconscious. People are eager to see results. The esoterician trusts the Law and does not demand to see results. This absolute trust in the Law is a necessary quality without which development is obstructed. Trust in life is trust in law. You could also talk about “trust in god”, if you are clear about the fact that even the gods obey the law. They are gods in virtue of obeying the law with divine understanding and capacity.
Uncertainty has the effect that energies are paralysed, lose their efficiency, their dynamism. This weakness is overcome only through trust, trust in its triple form: trust in life, trust in self, trust in law.
Our teachers assert that “not one sparrow shall fall to the ground without the will of god”, the coaction of the Law. And the Law, in this respect the laws of life, sees to the weal of all monads. People think that such statements refer to the monad’s envelopes, which is precisely the “great illusion”, confusing the monad, the immortal self, with any one of its envelopes.
The esoteric student must learn not to expect anything, whether from life, from people, or from circumstances, and that he does not exist for himself. That is the path of self‑realization, which affords trust in law and trust in life. In some life we shall be made to pass through tests that will clarify that we have learned that lesson. The esoteric student exists for unity, for community, for everybody. That is the path to the world of unity.
The law of self‑realization explains that in life upon life we are given opportunities to have experiences in order to learn from them, to acquire qualities and abilities. The law says that everything is our own work and that we must walk the way ourselves; nobody else can walk it for us. The law presupposes trust in Life: that our circumstances of life are supposed to teach us something, and that by doing the best we can we unconsciously acquire what Life intended by our incarnation. We are all too ignorant of life to decide for ourselves what is best for us or to decide for others what is best for them. That is why we need trust in life and trust in law.
The law of unity, the law of freedom, and the law of activation are the three laws that men must understand and apply. The other laws of life clarify what happens to us and explain why. As we learn more about them we increase our understanding of life.
Much is done in the unconscious when I have acquired trust in life and trust in law through my own experience and insight. Then Augoeides will be able to guide me, in my mental consciousness and in the protection of the unconscious, according to my possibilities in various respects, above all to increase my understanding of both reality and purposeful service. My entire consciousness development is an automatic process when I live for others, for things other than myself, when I forget myself and, being divinely indifferent to my own development, work for what is best for people. If I am anxious about my development this will be a real hindrance to me. If I have understood esoterics, I know that all this is a free gift from higher kingdoms and that my understanding of life is the result of my forgetfulness of myself and my work for things other than my own self, which is never given attention in unity.
In order to become a second self, the individual must become “divinely indifferent” to whatever happens to the first self. That is one of the most important qualities to be acquired and presupposes in its turn trust in life and trust in law. This demonstrates that I have understood: that I am a self, a monad, and that the monad in the causal envelope is unassailable; that I, being the self, am not identical with my envelopes of incarnation; that the envelopes are just tools of the monad’s consciousness development and are renewed at each incarnation; that the monad has mastered the tendencies of those envelopes and has become a master of them, independently of the demands that are expressed in those envelopes because of the habitual wrong attitude to life.
A true esoteric paradox: nothing can happen to me whatever happens to me. I do not care for my emotional states. I joyously fulfil all my duties but in my heart of hearts I am invulnerable, unperturbed, unassailable.
My Augoeides: Lead me from unreality to reality, lead me from darkness to light, lead me from death to immortality.